Tribhuvan University, Office Of The Controller Of Examinations, Balkhu has published the notice regarding the submission of the Bachelor 4th Year Exam Form for the examination going to be conducted in the year 2024.
According to the notice, the bachelor 4th year exam form is open for all regular and partial students (students with back papers) in their bachelor’s 4th year.
This form is open for regular as well as partial students of:
- BA 4th Year (Humanities)
- BBS 4th Year (Management)
- B.Ed. 4th Year (Education)
- B.Sc. 4th Year (Science)
Details of Bachelor 4th Year Exam Form 2024
Exam Form Open Date | Falgun 13, 2080 (February 25, 2024) |
Exam Form Submission Deadline | Chaitra 12, 2080 (March 25, 2024) |
Deadline with Double Fee | Chaitra 19, 2080 (April 1, 2024) |
Exam Routine | TU Bachelor 4th Year Exam Routine |
Notice regarding bachelor 1st year exam form for partial students/students with back papers:
TU Bachelor First Year Exam Form
Who Can Submit Bachelor 4th Year Exam Form?
According to the notice, the following students can submit the Bachelor 4th Year Exam Form 2024.
All Bachelor 4th Year Regular Students
As per the notice, all the Bachelor 4th year students from Science & Technology, Management, Technology, Humanity, and Education streams have to submit the form from their respective colleges.
To be specific, this exam form is open for BA 4th students, BBS 4th year Students, B.Ed 4th Students, and B.Sc 4th year students of Tribhuvan University pursuing a 4-year bachelor’s degree.
All Bachelor 4th Year Students with Back Papers
Students with back papers also need to fill out the same exam form only for the back papers. Remember that, only those bachelor 4th year students can submit the partial exam form who have joined Bachelor 1st year in the year 2072 (whose 1st year exam was conducted in 2073). Students admitted before the 2072 batch are not allowed to fill out the form this year.
Where Can I Submit Bachelor 4th Year Exam Form?
Regular as well as partial students in their Bachelor 4th year must visit their respective colleges, obtain the form, and fill it out by themselves. This form can be submitted to the respective colleges by paying the prescribed exam form fee. The information regarding the fee of the bachelor’s 4th-year exam form is available below.
Remember that,
- The form must be obtained, filled out, and submitted by the respective students to the respective campus or office.It will be the last chance to appear if you are a student admitted in the 2072 batch.All students are required to also submit the previous exam roll number (which is available in the mark sheet or admit card)Must have passport-size photos (2 copies), it is safe to keep a copy of the same photo as the copy of the admit card will not be provided in case you lost it later.
How Much is Bachelor 4th Year Exam Fee?
The exact exam fee depends upon the college/campus. Some may charge no fee as it is included in admission or other fees. Some may charge even higher (unlawful) than the fee prescribed by Tribhuvan University. The details of the applicable bachelor 4th year exam form submission fee are given below.
Regular and partial students can pay the exam fee directly to the respective campus/college. And colleges will pay the same to Tribhuvan University.
For private students (those who are directly admitted as students in TU), TU has prescribed the banks to make the payment.
Bachelor 4th Year Exam Form Deadline (Bachelor 4th Year Exam Form Last Date)
The deadline for the submission of the Bachelor 4th year exam form is Chaitra 12, 2080 (March 25, 2024). However, if you missed that chance, you can still fill out and submit the examination form with an additional fee equal to the normal fee (double fee) within one week of the expiry of the deadline. The extended deadline for the submission of the Bachelor 4th year partial exam form with the double is Chaitra 19, 2080 (April 1, 2024).
Official Notice from TU Regarding Bachelor 4th Year Exam Form
For more information please check the official notice published by the Office Of The Controller Of Examinations which is attached below.

If you have any questions regarding the submission of the bachelor 4th year exam form 2080, please contact the administration of your respective college.
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