This is Nepali Date converter that can convert Bikram Sambat and Anno Domini years. You can use it with one click to convert the Nepali Date Bikram Sambat (BS) to the English date Anno Domini (AD). The BS to AD and AD to BS converter is leap year adjusted. Therefore, you will get an accurate result.
Full Version of Nepali Date Converter (BS to AD and AD to BS Converter)
Please enter your date in AD or BS to convert it into BS or AD. This supports the conversion of Bikram Sambat Date from BS 1658 to BS 2100 (or 1602 AD to 2044 AD).
Lite Version of Nepali Date Converter (BS to AD and AD to BS Converter)
Please enter your date in BS or AD to convert it into AD or BS.
Nowadays due to globalization, we may need to provide our birth date or other dates in AD, or sometimes the Nepal Government may require us to provide the date in BS. Therefore, we have brought a solution to convert the date in Bikram Sambat (BS) into Anno Domini (AD). We named this tool BS to AD and AD to BS converter.
Nepali Date Converter - Best BS to AD and AD to BS Converter in 2025 - Top Nepali

This is Nepali Date Converter which converts date from Bikram Sambat (BS) to Anno Domini (AD) and from Anno Domini (AD) Bikram Sambat (BS). Use this converter to convert from BS to AD or AD to BS.
Price Currency: USD
Operating System: Web App
Application Category: Tools
- Easy to use
- Drop down option
- Wide ranges of date (1600s to 2100)
- Instant conversion, no reload needed
- Classic design
About Bikram Sambat to AD Date Converter
Bikram Sambat (BS) is the officially used calendar date in Nepal. That means, all the financial activities, personal details, and other documents requiring data are prepared using Bikram Sambat (BS). But, as this calendar is more based on the lunar cycle, it does not resemble the Gregorian Calendar date Anno Domini (AD). Around 56 years 8 months and half months of the gap between BS and AD. These differences sometimes fluctuate with the leap year and other reasons.
The above Nepali Calendar Date Converter Converts dates between the Nepali Bikram Sambat (BS) calendar and the English Date Based On the Gregorian Calendar (Anno Domini also known as A.D).
The Current Version of the BS to AD / AD to BS converter Can Convert the Date From 1602 AD to 2044 AD. It Means It Can Convert To AD from From 1658 BS to 2100 BS. You can use the classic version of the converter to convert future dates. The new version is only capable of converting dates up to BS 2080 as of now. The Dates Are Adjusted for Leap Years To Give More Accurate Results.
This tool can convert your birthday or any date from Bikram Sambat(BS) to Anno Domini(AD). This date converter is one of the best and most used online BS to AD date converters.
For more tools and techniques we welcome you to visit our site Top Nepali. This Converter was Developed By Ashesh.