Office of the Controller of Examinations Tribhuvan University has published BBS 3rd year examination routine for 2077. This routine is applicable for all students enrolled for BBS and filled the examination form. This includes students BBS regular, private, full, partial, and supplementary students.
As per the routine BBS third year exam 2077 will be conducted from 2077/11/11 (Business Law) and ends on 2077/11/20 (Taxation and Auditing). And the examination will be conducted from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm.
For Regular 4 years students here is the quick tabular BBS 3rd year examination routine (2077).
BBS 3rd Year Examination Routine for 2077
Date | Subject |
2077/11/11 | Business Law (Mgt-204) |
2077/11/13 | Fundamental of Financial Management (Mgt-215) |
2077/11/16 | Business Environment and Strategy (Mgt-217) |
2077/11/18 | Organizational Behavior (Mgt-219) |
2077/11/ | Taxation and Auditing (Mgt-218) |
For other 3/4 year non regular students, the routine is available in the following table taken from TU official routine notice.

You May be Asking – Regarding BBS 3rd Year Examination Routine
The following question and answers may be relevant for you.
How to find Examination Centers?
The examination centers are not yet published by Tribhuvan University. Generally the centers are published around a week prior the scheduled examination date. Once the detail is made available by TU, you will be notified.
When will I get admit card and how to get it?
Admit card will be available a week prior to the examination date. You can contact your concerned college/campus for admit card.
Can I participate in the examination from other examination center?
No. You can not participate in the examination from other examination center other than the specified center. As per the routine notice, if anyone writes from other than the specified center, the answer sheet will be automatically void.
How to appear on practical examination?
You have to contact your college for the practical examination.
For other confusions and clarity you can check out the official notice from Tribhuvan University.
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