Alexa ranking gives an idea of how much a website is popular in certain countries. Therefore, we are looking into the list of top websites in Nepal by Alexa ranking in 2022.
Alexa rank is a measure of website popularity. It ranks millions of websites in order of popularity, with an Alexa Rank of 1 being the most popular. Alexa Rank reveals how a website is doing relative to all other sites, which makes it a great KPI for benchmarking and competitive analysis.
While Alexa rankings are a good way to compare one website’s performance with others, Alexa’s statistics are not necessarily accurate in absolute terms. Several experts have tried to compare data from Alexa and Google Analytics over the years and have found that the data from Alexa was way off.
Keeping these facts in mind, let’s explore the top websites in Nepal by Alexa ranking.
Top Websites in Nepal by Alexa Ranking

Google is the most popular search engine in the world. There is no doubt that Google is the number one website almost in every country including Nepal.

YouTube, a product of Google itself is the largest video streaming platform in this world. There is increased popularity of YouTube in Nepal over the years after there became easy availability of internet connection. Therefore, YouTube is the 2nd on the list of top websites in Nepal.

Surprisingly, Onlinekhabar is in the third position surpassing the most popular social media platform Facebook. OnlineKhabar is Nepal’s first online news media website. Which is also the most popular website in Nepal.

Facebook is the most popular social media. It is the most used social media platform in Nepal which makes Facebook rank at 4th position in the list of top websites in Nepal.

Ratopati is also an online news media website. It was started in 2014 by publishing news online. It is at 5th position in the list of top websites in Nepal by Alexa ranking.
#6 is another online news media website. Khabarhub media News Center is a digital media branch of Pavilion Media Group, a private media house. Established in 2017. It ranks at 6th position in the list of top websites in Nepal.
#7 is also a popular and national-level online news media website from Nepal. It ranks at 7th position in the list of top websites in Nepal as per Alexa ranking.

News24Nepal is a popular TV channel and also an online news and media website. News24Nepal is also very popular on YouTube for a program called Sidha Kura Janata Sanga. News24Nepal is also included in the list of Top Nepali YouTube Channels by the number of subscribers.

Hamropatro is one of the most popular mobile app in Nepal for the Nepali/Hindu calendar. is the website of the same application. Hamropatro can be considered as a portal of calendar, date converter, panchanga, Nepali news, Forex, share market price, vegetables price, Gold/Silver price and so on.

eKantipur is an online publication of the largest and most famous national daily newspaper. Kantipur Media Group owns it. Kantipur Media Group has different media platforms online. eKantipur is one of the Top Nepali Facebook pages from Nepal. Similarly, it has a YouTube channel which is also one of the most subscribed YouTube channels in Nepal.
Other Top Websites in Nepal
The above 10 were the top 10 websites in Nepal. For other most popular websites in Nepal, you can check Alexa’s Official Ranking Page for Top Websites in Nepal.
In addition to them which websites do you think should have made a position in the list of the Top Websites in Nepal? Please comment down and let us know about it.
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